Saturday, November 17, 2007

Of Tiong Bahru SIT Flats

"Home is the place where, when you have to go there, They have to take you in"
Robert Frost

Tiong Bahru SIT

Tiong Bahru SIT

Tiong Bahru SIT

These are some photos I presented last Wednesday evening at the National Museum . Its was after a public lecture by Prof Karin Kircsh on modern architecture in the 1920s, something all young architecture students are required to study for. Dr Erwin Viray and I selected photos of the SIT flats in Tiong Bahru as a way to end the lecture and to thank Prof Kirsh for bringing her wonderful exhibit to Singapore. I thought i would be nice to share some of them here on pronservation too.

It all happened in the midst of submission week, the slides were prepared from a 15 minute lunch break while making my model,

A rushed cab ride to the museum, change of a shirt (with a pair of jeans that was still attached to my legs for two days) and suddenly Dr Erwin requested to me talk about my photos instead of him just sharing it, somehow it ended up being "the second half of the lecture"....very unexpected for someone who hasn't had proper sleep for the last two weeks to deliver a mini presentation to a packed crowd. Thankfully no boo-boos where heard, nothing screwed up and the lecturer and audience enjoyed it. Though if i had more time i wished i could do a entire presentation of housing projects in Singapore, that would be way cooler.

Tiong Bahru SIT


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Alvin said...

Does this design consider as Art Deco?